News & Events

University hosts Career & Job Fair 2013


The University of Maine at Presque Isle will host its Annual Career & Job Fair in the Campus Center from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 25. Twenty businesses and governmental agencies from the region and across the state are expected to participate in the event.

“The Career & Job Fair provides a unique opportunity for our students and the public to explore career options, meet with employers and take the first step to possibly gain professional employment,” Barbara DeVaney, Director of Career Services, said.

The Career Fair is part of an effort to connect employers with University students and to provide the opportunity for them to meet with prospective employees. Students will be able to learn more about employment possibilities and employer expectations. Some of the employers have or expect to have job openings for full-time, part-time or summer employment and some employers will provide the opportunity for on-site preliminary interviews.

The University also invites the general public, students from Northern Maine Community College, and area high school seniors to attend. The Fair, which is free to employers and attendees, is sponsored by the Human Resources Class and the Career Services Center.

“The Career Center provides a wide range of services to our students and alumni,” DeVaney said. “We post job listings and email them to appropriate faculty; employers come to campus to recruit and interview our students; and individual career counseling and information sessions are provided on a variety of topics to prepare our students for the job search and to be successful on the job.”

While the primary purpose of the UMPI Career & Job Fair is to promote employment opportunities, and facilitate the screening and eventual hiring of qualified employees, an additional benefit for employers is the opportunity to promote their products and services. Most employers have ‘giveaways’ and donate items for door prizes that makes the Career Fair a festive and fun event.

For more information about this event, contact Career Services at 768-9750 or email

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