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UMPI hosts fall classes for working professionals


The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Employer U program, which focuses on providing workforce development opportunities, will offer two 20-hour courses this fall beginning Monday, Oct. 15, as part of the American Management Association’s University certificate program. The sessions will be held at the MMG Center for Professional Development, located on the first floor of Kelley Commons, adjacent to the Campus Center.

Sponsored by UMPI from content developed and published by AMA’s Self Study division, the program is designed to help working professionals improve management skills needed for success in today’s workplace, according to Kim Jones, Director of Employer U. By meeting in a classroom setting with participants from many different occupations and organizations, students are guided through discussions about a variety of workplace issues and given opportunities to learn about best practices from each other.

The course How to Manage Training will be held Oct. 15 to Nov. 19 from 5 to 8:15 p.m. In this new course, participants will learn how to facilitate workplace learning for maximum employee performance and organizational effectiveness. Learning includes how to develop a training plan, deliver learning experiences in a wide range of formats, foster coaching and mentoring in the workplace, and create strategies for working smarter. This course is taught by Laurie Nelson, Human Resources Manager for Pineland Farms. Participants will earn 2 CEU’s for this course, which can be used as an elective for the Human Resources, General Management, or Customer Satisfaction certificates.

Planning and Managing Change runs from Oct. 24 to Nov. 21 from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Participants will learn how to proactively manage the process, content, and human dynamics of change. Learning objectives include understanding the change “journey,” avoiding knee-jerk reactions to change, creating a change management plan, coaching teams through change, and evaluating change effectiveness and monitoring change implementation. The instructor of this course is Cara Miller, business owner and employee wellness consultant. Participants will earn 2 CEUs for this course, which can be used as an elective for the Human Resources, General Management, or Customer Satisfaction certificates.

American Management Association (AMA) self study university courses are designed to help professionals from any industry improve management skills needed for success in today’s workplace. Facilitated by experienced educators and business leaders, classes are an effective mix of workbook readings, group activities, and discussions. Participants who successfully complete 10 CEUs (a combination of required courses and electives) earn nationally recognized AMA certification in their chosen field of General Management, Human Resources, or Customer Satisfaction.

Each 20-hour course is $300 per person, or $275 per person for groups of five or more from the same organization or UMPI Alumni, and meets once a week. Tuition includes instruction and all materials. Payment is due by the first class unless other arrangements are made beforehand with UMPI’s Director of Employer U.

To register, please visit or contact Kim Jones, Director of Employer U, at or 207-768-9459.

UMPI’s Employer U program, established in 2015, is designed to provide ongoing professional development opportunities for employees of area businesses. Employer U provides dynamic, customized trainings that meet the unique workforce needs of its clients across Aroostook County, focusing on each organization’s culture, resources, and purpose. Employer U delivers program content full of immersive, hands-on experiences, and in a variety of ways that ensure participants—regardless of their learning styles—are able to understand, retain and apply the information. Existing programs, such as American Management Association certification and UMPI’s Young Professionals Institute, are delivered through Employer U, with several new offerings slated for the future. CEU courses for educators are currently being offered, and officials are looking to add CEU’s for other professions to the growing list of Employer U programs, in addition to other industry-specific trainings.


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