#SafeReturn: A Photo Essay

By Melanee Terry
All photos by Melanee Terry unless otherwise noted

Photo courtesy of Madi Exferd

Although campus is quieter than usual, students reunited with friends and faculty on campus. Under unique circumstances due to the new COVID guidelines, students had to create new ways to socialize and stay together.


With some new changes on campus, many offices on campus are now temporarily closed or relocated. This includes the Student Financial Services Office, which helped students on the South Hall front porch last week for all their needs.


Gentile Hall is looking very different throughout the building. The facility is currently closed to the public, but is still allowing faculty, staff and students to use the building for their exercise needs. Many cardio machines are now located on the gym floor in the building to encourage social distancing. The upstairs track is currently walking only and many of the machines in the main room are closed off, including the squat racks.


Throughout the entire campus, there are stickers and arrows on the ground directing people which way to walk, helping with traffic flow.


Many professors are currently working at home as much as possible, which is cutting down their open office hours for students to come and visit. Students who enjoy face-to-face conversations with their professors about their classes are now having to meet with them on Zoom.


Wieden Gymnasium is now closed until further notice causing a disruption to student athletes who depend on the gym for practice. Current athletes, including the volleyball team, were not able to practice indoors this week, due to the new regulations. As the semester goes on, Wieden will slowly open its access to athletes.


Many main entrances to buildings, including the Campus Center, are now blocked off to create one-way traffic flow. Other doorways around the building are being used as an entrance into the Campus Center.


During the first days on campus, many students were required to get COVID-19 testing, which took place in the MMG Center.


Although the Starbucks on campus is now open, the Owl’s Nest seating areas are temporarily not available to encourage social distancing.


The Kelley Commons is open and serving students daily, but many of the seating arrangements are closed off. Although the cafeteria is not its same energetic self, students are working to find new ways to socialize outside of the Kelley Commons.


Photo by Rowena McPherson

Despite the restrictions on campus, students are adapting to the new changes and feeling grateful that they are together. Here’s to a busy and safe Fall 2020!