Academic Appeals

The following processes and procedures for academic appeals are handled by the Academic Appeals Board which consists of three faculty members elected by the Faculty Assembly for three year terms. The Dean of Students, or designee, and the Director of Advising will be additional non-voting members of the Appeals Board. The Dean of the Academic Appeals Board will be selected by the faculty members on the Board.

Academic Appeals Dates

  • Fall 2022 appeals: January 10, 2023 (snow-out date January 13)
  • Spring 2023 appeals, first session: June 14, 2023
  • Spring 2023 appeals, second session: August 9, 2023
  • Fall 2023 appeals: January 9, 2024 (snow-out date January 12)
  • Spring 2024 appeals, first session: June 12, 2024
  • Spring 2024 appeals, second session: August 7, 2024

Appeal of Suspension or Dismissal


A student may appeal an academic suspension or dismissal by following these steps:

  1. The student must submit a written appeal to the Dean of the Academic Appeals Board by the date specified in the letter of suspension or dismissal. The appeal letter should include:
    1. relevant documentation of extenuating circumstances
    2. a reflection of the circumstances that resulted in the suspension or dismissal,
    3. a plan of action to avoid similar situations in the future.
  2. Upon receiving the student’s written appeal, the Academic Appeals Board will schedule meetings to review the letter(s) of appeal and other relevant documents, and may talk directly with the student. The Academic Appeals Board will inform the student of its decision in writing within two weeks of reviewing the student’s appeal.
  3. If the student disagrees with the decision of the Academic Appeals Board he or she may request that the Provost review the decision. The Provost may request all relevant documentation and may meet with the parties concerned. The Provost’s decision shall be final and not subject to further review.

Academic Appeal – Appeal of Academic Policy Decision


To establish an appeals procedure for a student with a grievance concerning the rules of the University relating to academic policy including but not limited to leaves of absence and withdrawals after the deadline and academic forgiveness.  To be considered, an appeal of academic policy must be initiated within two weeks of the date of the official notification of the decision.


A student may appeal an academic policy decision by following these steps:

  1. In order to guarantee fair and equitable consideration, a student must first prepare an appeal in writing and meet and discuss it with the University employee whose actions gave rise to the grievance in a good faith attempt to resolve any misunderstanding. If, after such a meeting, the student is not satisfied with the result, he or she may appeal to the Academic Appeals Board.
  2. The request to the Academic Appeals Board must be received in writing no later than two weeks after the date of the decision in Step 1. The Academic Appeals Board will request all relevant documentation and may meet with the parties concerned. The Academic Appeals Board will provide a decision in writing within two weeks of the date of the appeals hearing.
  3. If not satisfied with the decision of the Academic Appeals Board, either party may request that the Provost review the decision. This request must be received in writing no later than two weeks after the date of the Appeals Board’s written decision in Step The Provost may request all relevant documentation and may meet with the parties concerned. The Provost’s decision shall be final and not subject to further review.

Academic Appeal – Appeal of Grade


To establish an academic appeals procedure for a student with a grievance concerning a final grade or instances of perceived unfair treatment which a student believes may have negatively impacted his or her final grade. It is the intent of these provisions to guarantee fair procedure rather than to interfere with the prerogative of the faculty to evaluate the quality of a student’s course work.


A student may appeal a final grade by following these steps:

  1. The student must discuss the concern directly with the instructor involved within 30 days of the last published date of the semester.
  2. Within two weeks of the meeting with the instructor the student must prepare a written appeal to the Dean of the instructor involved. The student is encouraged to consult with his or her faculty advisor for assistance. The Dean serves as mediator and attempts to resolve the concern through mutual agreement. The Dean will provide a written decision within two weeks of receiving the student’s appeal.
  3. If either party disagrees with the decision of the Dean, he or she may request that the Academic Appeals Board review the decision. This request must be received in writing no later than two weeks after the date of the written decision in Step 2. The Academic Appeals Board will request all relevant documentation and may meet with the parties concerned. The Academic Appeals Board will provide their decision in writing within two weeks of receiving the appeal.
  4. If either party disagrees with the decision of the Board, he or she may request that the Provost review the decision. This request must be received in writing no later than two weeks after the date of the Academic Appeals Board’s written decision in Step 3. The Provost may request all relevant documentation and may meet with the parties concerned. The Provost written decision is final and not subject to further review.