Alumni Recognition Awards

UMPI has thousands of amazing alumni- please help us recognize them! We need your nominations to honor alumni who possess the highest standards of integrity and character; who have distinguished themselves through professional accomplishment or by their service or philanthropy; and who positively reflect and enhance the prestige of the University. We also seek to recognize those faculty and staff members who have had a lasting impact on the University’s alumni.

Nominations for 2022 are now open!


Dist. Alumni Award  Dist. Educator Award  GOLD Award

Owl Service Award  Dist. Faculty Award  Dist. Staff Award


All award recipients should embody integrity and character in their lives equivalent to the expectations set forth within the current version of the UMPI Student Code of Conduct.  Personal, professional, and academic integrity is essential. The review committee reserves the right to research any nominee to ensure they uphold a standard of good character.

Please note: Individuals previously honored cannot receive the same award a second time.


Distinguished Alumni Award

Presented to an UMPI alumnus/alumna who has/had a successful career that reflects well on the University.  The awardee shall possess one or more of the following: outstanding leadership qualities, has received professional recognition that has reflected positively on the University, active or supportive involvement with the Alumni Association and/or the University, or a demonstrated impact on the community in which he/she lives or works. This distinction is awarded to an individual who has been out of college for more than 20 years with preference given to those nearing the end of their career or as a means of recognizing an outstanding achievement within their field.


Distinguished Educator Award

Presented to an UMPI alumnus/alumna who has received ongoing recognition as an outstanding educator, has received professional recognition that has reflected positively on the University, and made long term contributions to the Alumni Association and/or the University or the Community in which he/she lives or works.  The recipient should be an individual who has taught for at least 20 years or is nearing retirement. When all qualities are equal, preference will be given to those nearing retirement.


Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Award

Presented to an UMPI alumnus/alumna for outstanding professional achievement, contributions to the community and exemplary service to the University. The recipient of this award shall be a standout amongst their peers. The recipient must have completed his/her degree within the last 10 years.


Owl Service Award

(re-established in 2019)

Presented to an alumnus/alumna, the Owl Service Award recognizes exemplary leadership and extensive service, in multiple ways and over a lengthy period of time, to promote the success, reputation, and value of the University of Maine at Presque Isle and/or the UMPI Alumni Association. May be awarded as suitable candidates arise.


Distinguished Faculty Award

(established in 2019 and as recognized by the UMPI Alumni Association)

Presented to a current or former faculty member for their positive impact on the alumni of the University. Nominations for this award will be accepted from alumni only and are presented by the association on behalf of UMPI’s alumni.  The recipient is to be selected by the awards committee assembled by the Alumni Association Board. May be awarded as suitable candidates arise.


Distinguished Staff Award

(established in 2019 and as recognized by the UMPI Alumni Association)

Presented to a current or former staff member for their positive impact on the alumni of the University. Nominations for this award will be accepted from alumni only and are presented by the association on behalf of UMPI’s alumni.   The recipient is to be selected by the awards committee assembled by the Alumni Association Board. May be awarded as suitable candidates arise.