
At most colleges and universities, you get one advisor. But we care so much about you and your academic success, that we give you two advisors. In fact, all students get access to an advising team composed of a professional academic advisor and a faculty academic advisor. And together they help track your path to degree completion. It’s part of our Personalized Learning effort.

Not sure who is going to help you with what?

Faculty Advisor Professional Advisor
Reviews and approves class schedule Wish Lists Provides initial class scheduling assistance
Guides progress through to degree completion Helps with degree progress tools in MaineStreet and ELO tracking in TK20
Approves Essential Learning Outcomes Offers strategies for academic success
Provides career mentoring Assists with academic policies and procedures
Assists in planning capstones, internships, service learning, etc. Provides referrals to campus resources and offices
Offers options and planning for graduate school Encourages engagement in the campus community