Online History


Aristotle wrote that if we are to understand anything, we must observe its beginning and development.  A degree in History at the University of Maine at Presque Isle will demonstrate your comprehension of the evolving forces that continually shape modern life.

Our world is continually transformed by forces of globalization and cultural conflict—forces which also impact our local cultures and daily lives.  Your classes will explore multiple regions, times, and peoples and provide you with the intellectual tools necessary to engage—and even shape—our rapidly changing world.

Courses include instruction in the following areas:

  • Contemporary conflicts
  • Ancient cultures
  • American and European history
  • Native American history
  • Historical methods
Why Online History with UMPI?

The study of history allows human beings to put their own ideas and actions into a far greater context of human experience, and to compare themselves to peoples of other times and places. The discipline of history also teaches students to think rigorously, interpret, and communicate. It’s recognized as excellent training for many professions, including law and public service, policy-making in business and government, teaching and academics, and medicine.

Our online program is taught by the same professors who teach our online programs.  Thus, you’ll be doing coursework that develops your ability to interpret, analyze, and communicate in a wide variety of professional and academic settings, while the fact that the coursework is done online allows you to create your own schedule.

Our online program offers a wide variety of courses, so you’ll be able to select those best suited to your needs, whether they lie in local, contemporary, or ancient history, or even historical methods. You will find a detailed description of our program and its courses here.

Our online programs are offered twelve months out of the year, including two summer sessions, so you can concentrate or spread out your classes to fit your schedule.

You will be assigned a full-time advisor who both teaches your classes and ensures your ability to complete the degree within four years (as a full-time student)—just like students who take our classes on campus. Furthermore, your advisor can assist you in any questions of credit transferability or prior learning credit.  In addition, the online History major can be accomplished in only three years of study, including summer sessions—your advisor can help determine whether this is a suitable time frame for you.

An added benefit of UMPI’s online programs is that you experience the same student to faculty ratio as on-campus students. Expect to work closely with your professor and fellow students, just as you would in a live class.

Program Requirements

You must complete a total of 120 credit hours, of which 48 hours (minimum) are within the History program, and 40 hours in General Education.  A minor is optional.  And all of these credits can be completed online at UMPI. You can click here to start the process.

After Graduation

The History program provides you with knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your future career. Your writing and communication skills will serve you well in a number of career paths, including:

  • Information management and library services
  • Corporate, contract, or local history
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Academia/ education
  • Public service