
Benefits of Engaged Learning – For Students

  • Brings academic instruction to life
  • Prepares individuals to participate in research
  • Allows exploration of career options
  • Teaches workforce skills
  • Provides opportunities to accommodate different learning styles
  • Facilitates connections with people of diverse cultures and lifestyles
  • Develops meaningful involvement with the local community

Benefits of Engaged Learning – For the Campus

  • Promotes the university as an active, engaged partner in the community
  • Facilitates teaching, research and program development
  • Increases student retention
  • Enriches the quality and relevancy of the education provided
  • Enhances faculty – students mentorship
  • Increases students’ awareness of societal issues as they relate to academic areas of Interest
  • Assists in the development of innovative approaches to instruction
  • Provides opportunities for collaborative community research and project development
  • Engages faculty and students in local and state community issues
  • Provides opportunities to extend academic knowledge and resources
  • Increases development and preparation of college graduates

Benefits of Engaged Learning – For the Community

  • Promotes awareness-building of community issues, agencies, and constituents
  • Provides affordable access to professional development
  • Develops short and long term solutions to pressing community needs
  • Creates ways to expand current services
  • Increases human resources for problem solving
  • Provides opportunities for participating in the educational process
  • Contributes to positive exposure in the community