9/3/20 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI Community,

As announced on the ‘Together for Maine: Principles for a Safe Return’ website, the University of Maine at Presque Isle and the University of Maine System are committed to providing you tools for staying healthy and taking measures to limit transmission of the novel coronavirus.  One of the ways we all may help with this effort is to closely monitor symptoms you may experience which could potentially be related to COVID-19.

The University is pleased to announce that we are making the #CampusClear daily screening app available for immediate use.  This simple, easy to use app provides a daily prompt to indicate any symptoms you may be experiencing prior to attending classes or heading to campus.  Based on your response, you will be provided with guidance on how to make an informed decision about your participation in on-campus activities.  It is important to note that #CampusClear is an educational tool and is not intended to be medically diagnostic.  The data collected through the application will only be used by the University to monitor the potential spread of COVID-19-related symptoms within the campus population.

Signing up is fast and secure and you retain complete control over the information you share through the application.  It only takes a few seconds to self-screen and your participation helps keep our campuses safe for everyone.  For more details on installation instructions and use, please visit:  https://www.maine.edu/information-technology/support/daily-health-check-app/

#CampusClear is available on both the App Store and Google Play

For assistance with the application, please visit https://www.maine.edu/information-technology/support/it-resources-and-tools/it-support/
