9/2/20 – Message from Sarah Coyer to students

Greetings UMPI community,

We hope you are having a great first week of classes. Thank you to everyone for following the new safety guidelines and for wearing face coverings on campus.

As you know, this coming weekend is Labor Day weekend. In previous years many of our campus community members would travel and/or attend large social gatherings during the holiday weekend to celebrate the end of summer. Unfortunately, this year we are in the reality of our ‘new normal’ and cannot operate as we have in the past.

Below are some guidelines for this coming weekend; please help us continue to keep our community safe by adhering to these guidelines:

  • Students: If you are planning to travel you must inform Sarah Coyer at sarah.coyer@maine.edu as soon as possible. Travel out of state is discouraged at this time. Please also try to limit in-state travel as much as possible.

  • If you are attending any social gatherings, on or off campus, please be thoughtful of social distancing guidelines and wear a face covering at all times. If a situation feels unsafe or uncomfortable, you should leave immediately.

  • Reminder: Any parties or social gatherings that violate our guidelines could result in very serious consequences including, but not limited to, suspension or dismissal.

  • We ask that you report any concerns regarding behavior that would violate our Safe Return guidelines immediately.

Please remember that small and large social gatherings, family gatherings included, have been the source of many outbreaks nationally. We are just finishing quarantine and testing for many of our community members, this required hard work and sacrifice from everyone involved…please don’t let those efforts go to waste.

This is a test of our resolve as a community to protect ourselves and the UMPI experience! Your actions and choices can have far reaching consequences. Let’s work together to keep our school safe and ensure that we can remain open and in-person all the way to Thanksgiving.

Thank you for your efforts and have a safe day!
