8/20/20 – Message from President Rice to students

Dear UMPI Students,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of you during our Safe Return to campus beginning with move-in and COVID-19 testing next week and culminating with the start of our fall semester on Monday, August 31.  We have been preparing for this process literally for months; you can find out more about our safety plans and measures at https://newsite.umpi.edu/return/.  I am optimistic that we will have a safe and productive fall semester as well as an equally successful spring semester.  But, truly, we are all in this together and this will take dedication, vigilance, and a conscientious attention to protocols and procedures by all of us for this to work for any of us. 

To that end, please be sure to follow our “All Owls In Pledge,” which includes the wearing of face coverings in public spaces, checking for COVID-19 symptoms daily, maintaining 6-foot social distancing and following the building entrance/exit and directional traffic signage, and holding each other (and ourselves!) accountable throughout this in a kind and helpful manner.  You can find the specifics at https://newsite.umpi.edu/return/pledge/.

In addition, for students who will be attending campus in person, please be certain to read all of the messages about move-in as well as additional guidelines for in-person activities on campus that you will be receiving from Student Affairs and other offices.  All course syllabi will include links to more detailed information on campus protocols for in-person classrooms, which can also be accessed at https://newsite.umpi.edu/return/current-students/covid-19-statement/ .

Remember that we will be ending live, in-person instruction on Friday, November 20; the final four weeks of the semester will conclude through distance educational modalities.  If you so choose, any (or all) of your courses may be taken as Pass/Fail, and you can make these decisions throughout the semester– please be sure to speak with your faculty and professional advisor about this option.  In addition, we will be starting the Spring semester one week later than usual, on January 25—but ending the semester as regularly scheduled on May 7.  You can find our official academic calendar at https://newsite.umpi.edu/files/academics/academic-calendar/2020-2021_academic-year-calendar.pdf  .

Finally, please do not hesitate to ask questions—of university staff and faculty when you are on campus, or of university officials through email or by phone.  We maintain a regularly updated set of FAQs at https://newsite.umpi.edu/return/faq/ .  Emails and phone numbers of offices such as Advising, Student Support Services, Library and IT Services, the Registrar’s Office, and Student Financial Services can all be found on the UMPI Portal Landing page at https://mycampus.maine.edu/group/umpi/home.   In addition, you can reach our campus operator at 207-768-9400 and email us at umpi-admissions@maine.edu with any questions whatsoever.

My thanks for your care and vigilance this upcoming semester—and “see” you all (in person and at a distance) on August 31!
