8/2/21 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI community,

As we make preparations for the fall semester and everyone’s safe return, I wanted to update you on several items, from mask wearing and testing to vaccinations and verifications. Please note that all plans I discuss here apply to the UMPI campus and our Houlton Higher Education Center.

Right now, masks are not required on campus for those who have verified their vaccination. We recognize this could change as we get updated guidance from the State of Maine and CDC, but, if that should happen, we will update you accordingly. Those who vaccinate and verify are also exempt from testing and quarantining, while those who are not vaccinated will participate in weekly testing and are required to wear masks indoors.

As mentioned in my last email to campus, we will be conducting arrival testing and quarantining (while awaiting test results) for all unvaccinated students and employees who will be part of the Fall 2021 in-person population. Those who vaccinate and verify by Aug. 20 will be exempt from this arrival screening. Residence Life will be sending out more details about move-in and arrival testing this week to students who will be living on campus.

Our goal with these efforts, as it has been since the start of the pandemic, is to ensure the health and safety of our campus and the community. And the most impactful way we can do that right now is to ask every student, faculty, and staff member to Vaccinate and Verify. That’s why the University of Maine System has initiated its $1,000 Shot Clock Scholarship effort, which takes place weekly this summer and includes employee prizes. 

This is also why UMPI’s Safe Return Team has created our “Vax Up!” campaign, encouraging every member of the UMPI community to vaccinate and verify their status, that will run throughout the month of August. We will give away 1 free class per week during the 4 weeks before the Fall semester begins (available to matriculated students who have completed the “vaccinate and verify” process), one $25 voucher every day during the month of August that can be used for food/books or gasoline (all faculty, staff, and students are eligible for this drawing who have completed the “vaccinate and verify” process), and one grand prize on Aug. 31–a $250 credit on your UMPI account. (The $250 credit can be applied to your bill or, if everything has been paid, it will be a credit balance that can be processed as a check and spent however you choose.) Selections will be made from among those students and employees who Vaccinate and Verify. The ONLY thing you have to do to qualify is to share your vaccination dates and details from your vaccination card on the secure UMS Portal (be sure to check out the user guide for details). 

With the escalating severity of the Delta variant in mind, we need to do everything we can today to protect each other and prevent the spread of disease on our campus– so please Vaccinate and Verify if you haven’t done so already.  

My continuing thanks to everyone for your vigilance these past many months and efforts to ensure we can all come back together safely this fall. 
