8/10/20 – Message from Dick Gardiner to campus

UMPI Students, Faculty and Staff,

To prepare Gentile Hall for a safe reopening, we have worked to keep the health and safety of our students, employees, and community members as our highest priority.

Gentile Hall will open to current UMPI students, faculty, and staff on Monday, August 10.  We are not opening to our community members at this time.  Access will be limited to only active, enrolled, and current students, faculty, and staff, and we will not be permitting access to individuals outside of these groups, to include family members.

As you may expect, Gentile Hall is not able to simply return to pre-pandemic operations.  Many influences will change the way we operate.  These  include the safety of Gentile Hall patrons and staff, as well as staff availability, hours of operation, state regulations, University of Maine System guidelines, and fiscal realities.

Below is important information that everyone should be aware of prior to coming to Gentile Hall.  

First, in order for individuals – employees or students– to access the facility, they will be subject to the following requirements:

  • Must be wearing a face covering that properly covers the nose and mouth at all times, including while exercising. Face shields without a mask will not be permitted.
  • Must have answered NO to all screening checklist questions (from Maine CDC website):
    • Have you had a cough or sore throat?
    • Have you had a fever or do you feel feverish?
    • Do you have shortness of breath?
    • Do you have a loss of taste or smell?
    • Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days?
    • Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?
    • Have you been out of state in the last 14 days?

In addition to screening patrons prior to entry, the following safety measures and protocols will be in place:

  • All equipment will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. Whenever required, equipment will be spaced 15 feet apart.
  • Patrons will be expected to maintain 6 feet physical distance from other patrons and Gentile Hall staff members at all times.
  • All exercise equipment, once wiped down by the user and allowed time to dry, will ensure that any contaminants that may exist on the equipment are killed off effectively.
  • High-touch surfaces will be disinfected at least every 2 hours.
  • The track will be used for only walking at this time.
  • Patrons must receive express permission from a professional staff member in order to enter their office.
  • Patrons will be asked to wash their hands frequently and clean the machines before and after use.

Only bring the necessities with you to Gentile Hall:

  • Ensure you have your Photo ID and face covering as they are required for entry.
  • Come dressed to exercise so you don’t require a bag.
  • Bring your own water as our fountains are turned off for safety.


  • Due to these new protocols, the use of specific equipment and areas of Gentile Hall will change. 
    • The pool, rock wall, locker rooms, and showers will not be available at this time.
    • Capacity limits in individual open areas will be enforced, in addition to the overall facility capacity limit.
    • Open areas: cardio area, selectorized weight equipment, track, and some of the multi-purpose gymnasium.

As Gentile Hall reopens, please know that these plans have been put in place to help keep us all as safe as possible.  We will all need to do our part for the health of our community. The most important thing we can all do is wear face coverings while on campus as directed/requested.

Looking forward to seeing you back in the facility,

Dick Gardiner