4/30/21 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI Community,

My humble thanks to the entire community, both in the direct efforts of those to keep our campus safe and functioning these past fifteen months of the pandemic, and to all of those who have helped in that regard by following UMS guidelines.  Your care and diligence has truly made a difference.

As of today, April 29, face coverings are no longer required when individuals are out of doors and physical distancing is readily maintained.  Face coverings are recommended in circumstances that make physical distancing difficult to maintain when out of doors.  Face coverings are still required indoors under our current guidelines; there remains no exceptions to this policy in classroom situations.  These updates are in keeping with the updated orders of Maine civil authorities as announced on April 27.

The University will continue proactive asymptomatic testing of in-person students, staff, and faculty during this coming summer and fall.  However, fully vaccinated individuals may be exempted from this routine testing and quarantining if you are a close contact of someone known to have COVID-19.  If you are fully vaccinated, please visit the voluntary vaccination submission form on our COVID-19 Testing Tracker so you can report your status.  All information is confidential.

The University continues to follow physical distancing guidelines that include maintaining 6 feet between individuals at indoor and outdoor events even as group size limits are increased.  You may find additional information on such limits HERE.

This pandemic continues to be a rapidly evolving situation and these mandates are subject to change.  I encourage all to check the Together for Maine site routinely for updated information.
