4/30/21 – Message from Director of Health Services Linda Mastro to campus

To UMPI faculty, staff, and students,

I am very pleased to share the news that UMPI will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on Wednesday, May 5. We are very grateful to all involved for helping to ensure we could provide a vaccination clinic prior to the end of the spring semester. Here are the details you need in order to participate.

The clinic, being provided by Hebert’s Rexall Pharmacy, will be held on Wednesday, May 5 at the MMG Center, and the times will depend on how many individuals sign up to participate. This clinic is open to UMPI employees and students. Single dose vaccines (Johnson & Johnson) will be used; this vaccine can only be administered to individuals 18 or older. To sign up, please fill out this very short Google Form. Please note that you will be notified about the time frame for your shot after you have signed up.

If you have any questions about this vaccination clinic or about the vaccine, please call (207) 768-9586 or email linda.mastro@maine.edu.

Thank you,
