4/20/21 – Message from Ralph McPherson to students

Hello Everyone…

We are getting near the very end of the semester and I think we can honestly redefine the term resilience.  It’s been a very long year, but here we are with just a few weeks left.

I know everyone is tired and ready for the semester to end.  We have done a great job with safety practices and social distancing measures.  All of our efforts characterize the dedication of this campus community to each other.  For that, we should be very proud.

In the closing weeks, I hope we continue to reflect on the importance of relationships both on campus and at home.  Family and friends have been a great support network throughout this pandemic.  I know everyone is running low on energy, but finish strong!  The end of the semester is like a long distance run.  Your muscles are sore and your legs may be cramping, but the satisfaction of a strong finish makes us stronger in the end.

Let’s continue to stick with the basics.  Stay with consistent meal times so your body can be properly fueled.  Try to maintain good sleeping patterns so you can be well rested.  The days are nice and the air is refreshing.  Get outside for walks to clear your mind with the fresh air.  Take one assignment and project at a time.  It is easy to feel overwhelmed with so many deadlines approaching.  Utilize the supports on campus such as the counseling center, student support services, tutoring and advising.

If you are graduating this year…CONGRATULATIONS!  I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.  If you are returning this fall, please have a great summer.  Continue to practice all safety measures and above all, get some much needed rest.  Enjoy your families and your communities where you live.  We are in hopes that the upcoming fall semester will have more of a “normal feel” to it, so we are very excited about getting back to traditional life at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.