3/9/2020 – Message from Director of Student Life Sarah Coyer to student residents

Good morning UMPI residents,

Spring break is almost here!  I wanted to share a few important notes with all residents, particularly for folks with questions about spring break accommodations in response to concerns about Coronavirus/Covid-19.

  • Campus is open over spring break and there is no charge for students to stay on campus. If your spring break travel plans change you are welcome to remain on campus and it is FREE!  You don’t need to be “approved” to stay over spring break, but you should let your RA know that you’re planning to stay so we have an accurate count of students who will be staying in the halls.  RAs will be asking residents about their spring break plans this week, please make sure to touch base with them.
  • Potluck Tuesday of Break: There is a potluck on Tuesday, March 17th from 11am-1:30pm in CIL.  All UMPI residents are welcome, so if you are on campus over break we hope to see you there!
  • Update Emergency Contact Information: All students should update their emergency contact information in Maine Street, you can access this through the portal.  This is important to keep updated at all times.

If you are looking for University of Maine System updates on coronavirus/covid-19 CLICK HERE for excellent and up-to-date information.

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email, I’ll be sure to send any additional updates throughout the week.
