3/8/2022 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI Community,

With Spring Break around the corner (March 14-18), I wanted to send a quick email your way about testing.

Prior to your departure from campus, please plan to spend a few minutes and be tested at the UMPI Testing Center (in the Campus Center) or Houlton Center if you are living on campus or participating in any in-person, on-campus experiences.  We are also asking that you test within 24 to 48 hours of your return to campus, again, at the UMPI Testing Center or at the Houlton Center.  As so many of us have plans for travel over the break, we will be conducting this round of testing to ensure a baseline of our campus community positivity rate.  We are asking all students, faculty, and staff to participate in this testing.

My thanks to everyone for efforts to keep each other safe as we move into the second half of our spring semester.  I will keep the UMPI community apprised of planned changes to our COVID-19 protocols as the state and System responds to changing situations, both here in Maine and nationally.
