3/31/21 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI community,

We confirmed two new cases of COVID-19 within our campus community yesterday.  As we have since the Fall semester, we continue to work closely with the Maine CDC on all cases, and our protocols are completed, including contact tracing.  The students involved received positive test results for COVID-19 after participating in UMPI’s weekly asymptomatic testing program. We can report that these individuals are in good health and have been moved into isolation.  As a reminder, you can access data on total number of tests provided, active cases, and quarantine information here.

We remain appreciative of all the hard work everyone has done these past two semesters to keep each other safe. Our weekly testing and health and safety protocols continue to work as intended and continue to minimize the spread of the virus. However, we all should take note of the recent increases in cases across Maine, our region, and much of our nation.  Most notably, cases are rising among younger individuals.  As we approach Easter weekend, a time of increased travel and gathering, I implore us all to continue our diligence in wearing masks (vaccinated or not), washing your hands, social distancing, and following all other safety guidelines.  And we encourage all to take advantage of available vaccinations as soon as you are able.  Vaccination sites and current guidelines can be found here.  If you have questions or would  like someone from campus to call you regarding safety guidelines or vaccinations, or any other COVID-19 related matter, please let us know here.
