3/12/2020 – Message from Director of Student Life Sarah Coyer to students

Good evening all,

Reminder that I need all on campus residents to complete this form as soon as possible: CLICK HERE FOR FORM  

You must fill out this form: if you are requesting approval to stay on campus, if you need to arrange a pick-up date for belongings, or to let us know when you’re leaving campus.  

If you have submitted the form once, but your plans have changed…you need to resubmit the form with updated information.  Resubmissions are accepted and appreciated!

I am responding to everyone who has submitted a request, many people have already heard back from me…if you have not received a confirmation email from me yet you will receive a response tonight or tomorrow at the latest.  

Again, thank you SO MUCH for all of your help with coordinating this process.  Your prompt responses and excellent questions have been amazingly helpful and I appreciate you all so much.
