2/22/21 – Message from Ralph McPherson to students

Hello Campus Community.

We have been though a tough and difficult road since the start of this pandemic.  The last 11-months has changed almost everything about us.  Looking back at this past year, we wondered if we would ever get to a point where we could even go into a grocery store again.  The every day privileges and conveniences we took for granted were now suddenly on our wish list.

The year was also marred with a contentious election year, capped off with an attack of the Capital that threatened the very source of our own democracy.  The division in our nation seems to add to the insecurities and challenges we face on a daily basis.

So how can we cope and deal with all this stress that we have faced since the start of this pandemic?  I wish I had a simple and easy answer for you.  I may not have THE answer, but I would like to give you something to think about that may ease the burden of stress that we all face.

COVID-19 has taken many things from us and has changed our lives immensely.  It cannot, however, take away my hope.  It is my continued hope that we will beat this virus with the new vaccinations and treatment.  It is my hope that we as a common people will continue to support and help each other, long after this virus has ended.  It is my hope that the relationships I have strengthened during this pandemic will continue to flourish and grow.  It is my hope that I will not take anyone or anything for granted any longer.  It is my hope that I share my appreciation and dedication to people long after this is done.  It is my hope that I can spend time with family and friends with a renewed commitment to the importance of who they are.

I know we have a ways to go, but we are certainly further ahead than we were a year ago.  In the meantime, continue to practice good self-care.  Stick to the basics of good eating habits, sleeping patterns, and increase your physical activity.  Spend time with those you love through the technology we have.  Participate in your own coping that has worked for you long before the pandemic…Take a moment and give thanks for what we do have, as it has been easy to focus on what has been taken away.

We will get through this together if we continue to lean on each other and give support where it is needed.  Most of all, we will get through this because I have hope in our abilities today and tomorrow.

As a reminder, I am here in the counseling office if anyone needs a little extra support.  Please feel free to email me at ralph.mcpherson@maine.edu or you can call my office at 768-9791.

Please continue to remain safe.