12/22/20 – Message from President Rice to campus

To the UMPI Community,
You may have seen the Chancellor’s message this morning about our Spring 2021 planning. If not, I’d encourage you to read it here. I want to reiterate to all UMPI students, faculty, and staff that our focus now is to prepare for the start of classes on Jan. 25, 2021, and a safe return to in-person and on-campus activities. Our work will include establishing detailed return-to-campus protocols for those students, faculty, and staff who will be on campus, ensuring more robust testing efforts and greater testing accessibility, and planning for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines as they become available to everyone at UMPI.
As always, the health and safety of our campus and community will remain first and foremost. We’ll be sharing more details with you in January as we prepare for your return. Until then, have a restful holiday and winter break, and we look forward to what our New Year– and spring semester–  may bring.