11/6/20 – Message from Sarah Coyer to students

Greetings campus residents,

I’m following up with some additional information regarding the positive Covid-19 test at UMPI.  The individual who tested positive is NOT an on-campus resident, this individual is doing their isolation off-campus and is asymptomatic.

We are currently working through our contact tracing process, and we will be asking a small group of individuals to quarantine who had direct contact with this person, as per our protocols.  You will receive a call directly from me if you have been identified as a person who needs to quarantine.

Regardless of whether or not you are asked to quarantine, EVERYONE should be wearing their masks at all times outside of their rooms, washing their hands frequently, and following all the guidelines we have asked you to follow all semester pertaining to social distancing and safety.  This should happen regardless of whether or not there is a positive case in our community.

We moved to online classes and work for today to give us the appropriate amount of time to notify anyone who needed to quarantine, and to allow for contact tracing to be completed in an effective way.  This is not an uncommon temporary action to put in place while doing the contact tracing process.  We are not moving to online permanently, this is a temporary protocol to ensure the safety of our community while we activate our process.

Stay tuned for more information, we will have updates for you.  As always, stay safe and take care of yourself.

