11/6/20 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI Community,
We learned early this morning that one case of COVID-19 has been identified within our campus community. Our contingency plans have been set in motion with the individual placed in isolation and contact tracing procedures initiated.  Maine Center for Disease Control protocols are in place.

We are able to report that the individual is asymptomatic and currently in good health. As a precaution, all Friday classes will be held through remote learning and all faculty and staff should work from home.

This case and response illustrates that testing and health and safety protocols are working as intended. We will continue to isolate and support affected individuals, conduct contact tracing to minimize the spread of the virus, and follow our Safe Return plans in order to keep everyone on our campus safe. Please note that a daily update regarding asymptomatic on-campus tests is available through the University of Maine System dashboard. You can also view daily updates on UMS COVID data by campus on the Together for Maine website. And remember that if you are sick, please stay home (see CDC guidance on coronavirus symptoms).

We will continue to provide all necessary updates. We deeply appreciate the work each of you are doing to follow our health and safety measures and keep each other safe. If you have questions or would like someone from campus to call you, please let us know here.  Stay safe, WEAR A MASK.