10/6/21 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI Community,

With the fall break upon us and with the Oct. 15 deadline approaching next week, a quick email about two things.

After the long weekend, please plan to get tested at our Testing Center within 24 to 48 hours of your return if you are living on campus or participating in any in-person, on-campus experiences. Because there are so many people who may have traveled to other locations over the holiday, we are conducting this additional round of testing to provide a mid-semester baseline of our campus community and best ensure everyone’s health and safety.  We are asking all students, faculty, and staff to participate in this testing.  Please note that the Testing Center, located in the MMG Center, is closed on Monday, Oct. 11, but will resume regular hours on Tuesday, Oct. 12.

In addition, an important reminder that we’re about a week away from Oct. 15, the date by which students are required to verify at https://umaineportal.pointnclick.com/ that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or obtain an exemption from the vaccination requirement. Per University of Maine System policy, after Oct. 15, unvaccinated, non-exempt students will not be permitted in University facilities or to participate in on-campus experiences (unless they have started a course of vaccination). Non-compliance will result in a hold on class registration for the spring semester and, after Oct. 15, de-registration from fall classes. For more info, please connect with Fred Thomas, UMPI Director of Safety and Security, at frederick.thomas@maine.edu or 207-768-9580. For those considering a shift to fully remote learning, please contact your faculty or professional advisor.

Thanks to all of you for your work in helping to keep each other safe this fall semester. Have an excellent Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday and we’ll see you on the other side of the fall break.
