1/31/2020 – Message from President Rice to campus

Dear UMPI Community, 

As noted by the Chancellor’s message to the University of Maine System, we are closely monitoring the international situation in regards to the Coronavirus both at the System level and at the institutional level.  Officials here at UMPI have been in regular contact with the Maine CDC. While there has, as of yet, been no cause to activate a formal emergency response protocol, we are taking preparatory steps and are ready should the need arise.  This is a rapidly changing situation, and we will, of course, keep you informed as we learn more. Just to be absolutely clear, there are no reported/identified cases of Coronavirus on our campus or among any members of our community and the CDC reports no cases in the State of Maine.  To paraphrase Chancellor Malloy’s statement, our goal at UMPI is neither to overreact nor to under-prepare.

For more information about the Coronavirus, you can visit the Maine CDC website at the following link:  https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus.shtml  

If you have any specific questions regarding our preparations or procedures, Fred Thomas is our incident commander.  You can reach him by phone at 768-9580 or by email at frederick.thomas@maine.edu.

We will keep the UMPI community updated throughout this unfolding global situation.  My thanks to all for your help and support.
