1/12/21 – Message from Sarah Coyer to students

Greetings UMPI Owl,

Here is some important information so that you can plan accordingly for move-in.  We can’t wait to get Spring 2021 started! I apologize for the length of this email, I promise it’s all important information!

IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT come to campus if you are experiencing ANY symptoms of COVID-19.  This includes: a fever of 100.4 or higher, chills, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue or headache, loss of taste or smell, or sore throat/runny nose/congestion that is not allergy related.  If you are experiencing any of these symptoms contact me before you travel to campus and we will work with you to make a plan.

Move-In Details:

All residential students are allowed to move in to the residence halls during the following time periods:

  • Thursday, January 21st from 4pm to 9pm

  • Friday, January 22nd from 8am to 4pm

**Winter athletes, specifically basketball players, will have different arrival dates and should refer to information they have received from Athletics.

**DO NOT park in Emerson Circle during spring semester OR during move-in.  This space should be used for quick drop-offs and unloading. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.


At the time you arrive on campus you will be tested for Covid-19. We will have testing available in the Merriman and Emerson lobbies during the times listed above (Skyway residents should plan to be tested at Merriman or Emerson during the above times).

If you are a MAINE RESIDENT ONLY, you are allowed to bring a test with you at the time of move-in.  If you have been tested within 72 hours of move-in and provide a negative test result, you will not have to quarantine.  However, if your roommate is in quarantine you will have to quarantine with them regardless of your test result status.

We strongly encourage residents to get tested 72 hours before coming to campus, although it is NOT mandatory.  If you are positive, it will be much more pleasant to quarantine at home rather than doing quarantine on campus.  It will also prevent exposure to your roommate, neighbors, and other UMPI community members.  Again, I strongly encourage this option for all residents unless you absolutely cannot access testing at home.

All residents will be required to quarantine in their rooms until we receive their negative test result.  If you have a roommate you will need to be cleared at the same time as your roommate, using the same procedure we used this fall.

If you have had a positive COVID-19 test recently, please let me know.  Anyone who has tested positive is exempt from for 90 days following the date they received the positive test.  You MUST provide me with documentation that shows the date you received the positive test result to be exempted from testing.

If you have been vaccinated you are still required to complete all testing requirements.  Vaccinations DO NOT exempt you from the testing protocols that we have put in place.

We will be doing additional weekly testing this semester, more information will be sent to all students after we have completed the move-in process.

Helpful notes about moving back to campus:

  • Make sure you have coordinated your move-in date with your roommate. You do NOT need to arrive at the same time, but you will not be released from quarantine until you AND your roommate have received a negative test result so it’s a good idea to be tested the same day if possible.

  • You can have 1 guest wearing an approved face covering help you move in.  They will be able to help you carry your items to your room, and then they will need to exit quickly. Guests experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms will not be permitted to enter the residence halls. If a guest does not wear a face covering or violates any social distancing guidelines, they will be removed from the hall.

  • Don’t forget to bring your ID, as that is still your key to access the buildings and your room. If you need help with card access, we will have help available in Emerson Hall during move-in times.

  • We will have a shuttle available for anyone flying into the Presque Isle airport on Thursday, January 21st.  If you will be using this shuttle please email me and let me know.

Additional Details:

  • Once you have your items moved into your room you need to quarantine.
  • You will be permitted to quarantine in your actual room with your roommate.
  • You will use the floor bathroom (always masked unless you’re brushing your teeth or showering) during quarantine.
  • During quarantine, you will walk to the Campus Center for meal times to pick up food to bring back to your room; food will be located in the Owl’s Nest for lunch and dinner similar to the start of fall semester.  Breakfast items will be given to students at dinner the night before.
  • You may receive an email with your test results, however, you are not permitted to leave quarantine until you receive an email from me or a designated UMPI staff member. If you have a positive test result you will receive a phone call.
  • If you receive a negative test result you will be given a bracelet to wear that will signify that you are “cleared” that will allow you to move more freely about campus.  Once you have your bracelet you can eat in the dining hall and use other campus facilities.
  •  If you receive a positive test result you will be moved into an isolation space in Park Hall. We will also move anyone who is a “close contact” to Park Hall as well.  Anyone who you have spent more than 15 minutes with, closer than 6 feet, in a 24-hour period will be subject to quarantine.
  • Test results should arrive within 48-72 hours.
  • If you need mail from the campus mailroom while you are quarantining, please speak with your RA and they can assist you.
  • If you are planning to test at home 72 hours before your arrival you will need to provide proof of your test result at the time of move-in.  If your roommate has not been tested prior to move-in you will still need to quarantine until they receive their results.
  • Students are allowed to test at home 72 hours prior to their arrival as long as they are not using public transportation to get to campus (airplane, bus, etc).  Students cannot test at home if they are arriving from a state that is not approved by the Maine CDC for open travel.
  • You are welcome to test at home; we appreciate those who are exercising extra caution and testing before they travel. We simply ask that you still respect our quarantine guidelines!
  • Students should plan to limit travel during the spring semester.  If travel is essential please email Sarah Coyer with the dates, location, and reason for travel at least 24 hours in advance.

Make sure to practice social distancing and wear a mask consistently 14 days prior to your arrival on campus, as this will help reduce the number of positive cases.  Your caution and safe practices will ensure a safe and successful move-in. 

If you have changed your housing plans and need to cancel your contract please make sure to email Jennifer Ball at jennifer.ball@maine.edu so she can assist you as soon as possible.

Thanks so much!

Sarah and the UMPI Student Life Staff