Climb that Ladder
Our job is to help you move to the next level of your chosen career. Our Bachelor of Applied Science is how we get you there.
Take 365
Days that is. We’ll find the best way to build on the degree work you’ve already completed so you can get your BAS with us in one year.

Experience Counts
If you have skills you’ve already developed, you may be able to earn college credit for it through our Prior Learning Assessment process.
Keeping You on Track
We work closely with you to ensure you’re able to blend the college work you’ve already done with the subject area you want to focus on now.

This explains what Academic Maps are.
To view more information and program requirements, see the Course Catalog
Our Applied Science degree has strategically positioned many of our graduates for career advancement. The majority of students in this program already have an AS degree and employment in a variety of areas (from education to health care to business) and, by attaining a BAS degree, they become eligible for a promotion or a new job opportunity.
For example, students entering with an AS degree in Accounting have gone on to earn a BAS with an Accounting concentration. Other examples are included below.
Associate’s degree | Bachelor’s degree |
Accounting | BAS, Accounting concentration |
Business Administration | BAS, Management Concentration |
Early Childhood Education | BAS, Educational Studies minor |
Liberal Studies | BAS, Art concentration |
Building Construction Technician | BA Business Administration, Management Information Systems minor |
Computer and Network Technician | BAS, English and Professional Communication Minors |
Office Assistant | BAS, Business Management minor |